Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Wedding Giveaway

Do you have any ideas for your Wedding Giveway yet?

Something useful?
Something pretty and it will be part of the decoration?

I would like to share some ideas I found online.

*DIY - It could be creative and less expensive
Mints/ Candy/ Chocolate in a fancy bag and the color of bag could match your theme color
You could put your home made cookies in a fancy bag instead of Mints/ Candy/ Chocolate.

Picture is from http://www.ehow.co.uk/info_8181287_cheap-wedding-giveaway-ideas.html
You could get more detail information from above link.

These are my DIY X'mas Gift and I spent $22 and I had created 17 gifts

3 Cookies (these are not home make) inside Pink Tissue Paper
1 Candy Cane
1 Chocolate
1 Candle
1 Printed Nipkin
1 Snowflake for decoration

*Something Cute- It is not hard to find something online like this

Picture is from

*Something green and good for environment- It can be part of your theme as well

Picture is from